Working together with Thoughtbot to support the COVID vaccination scheduling platform in the US.
Multi-State Partnership for Prevention (MSP4P) is a platform that optimizes healthcare operations focusing on public health and providing states with a reservation system for vaccination.

MSP4P is a digital healthcare product with different branches. Our team focused on one of them: Prepmode. This platform provides every state in the US with a tailored platform to manage their vaccination system. As the COVID-19 vaccination appeared, their user flow increased notoriously.
With Prepmode, users are able to choose an appointment easily. Governments manage their own platform and access to reports, connected with the agency that manages all the data in the entire country.
MSP4P already had a functional platform when COVID-19 entered in 2020. The product scaled rapidly and some implementation issues arose.
That’s when Thoughtbot’s team came in and started to work on stabilizing and maintaining the platform. As we were working together with Thoughtbot with other clients and a bigger team was required to cover this project, MSP4P hired us directly on Thoughtbot’s recommendation. We started to work hand in hand with their team to impact the vaccination system for Covid-19 in the US.
The platform had few functionalities but still was a very complex and large product. It required a team of experienced developers. Our Ruby on Rails development team, led by our Technical Leader, proved to be up to the task and we and we became 100% in charge of the project.
Our core objective was to achieve a stable platform that support millions of users, but we also implemented new functionalities. For example we developed a feature that enabled users to make appointments for third parties such as children.
Prepmode transformed from a platform with hundreds of issues reported in production to almost none. The platform achieved the stability needed to provide top-notch vaccination scheduling during Covid-19 for millions of users in the US, where all population groups had to have access to vaccines simultaneously.
The platform provided a centralized agenda, users’ data, the possibility to make an appointment in health centers and mobile spots, and in-depth reports of great value for state and national governments.


3 developers

Ruby on Rails