Emiliano de Sejas • 17 MAY 2023
Node.js: the key to efficiently scaling your startup

One of the key factors influencing the success of a business has to do with how well it can scale. Scalability is critical for startups, allowing for the growth and expansion of a company without compromising the quality of the main service or product. Node.js has proven to be instrumental in scaling startups, and in this article, we will learn why.
Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment that was designed to run server-side applications. It was created by Ryan Dahl in 2009 and has since become a popular technology for building scalable web applications. It enables the execution of JavaScript on the backend of an application. This implies that there could be a complete separation between the frontend and backend projects that are based on the same language. Such an approach makes it less complicated for developers to work on both ends of an application and curtails the need to shift context between different programming languages.
Node.js vs Ruby on Rails: Uncovering the Key Differences
At Eagerworks, we leverage in two main technologies to develop most of our projects: Ruby on Rails and Node.js. In previous blog posts, we’ve discussed Ruby on Rails’ main features, benefits and constraints. Now, we’re going to have a look at the key differences with Node.js, in order to deeply understand when it is more accurate to use any of these technologies.
Node.js and Ruby on Rails are two of the most popular web development frameworks in the market. Both have their strengths and weaknesses, and choosing the best one depends on your specific needs.
Node.js, in contrast to Ruby on Rails, is not a web framework. It doesn't possess any distinct feature that would elevate it above other comparable technologies for developing applications. Nevertheless, its modular nature is a superlative advantage that makes it an exemplary option for constructing projects that are easily maintainable and can be scaled without difficulty.
Therefore, while Ruby on Rails is the right framework when it comes to building web applications quickly and efficiently, Node.js may be the best option if you need a fast and scalable framework for your startup.
When Should You Consider Using Node.js for Your Startup?
Node.js is a revolutionary technology that empowers JavaScript to function on your backend, allowing for the creation of completely separate frontend and backend projects that share the same programming language. This can be especially advantageous for startups that require a flexible architecture to accommodate their changing product needs and swift iteration. However, it is crucial to exercise caution as Node.js projects can be exceedingly intricate and necessitate well-defined business objectives and highly skilled developers.
So, when is it appropriate for a startup to consider this technology? My opinion is that it should only be implemented after the startup has validated its idea and core objectives. If scalability is a top priority, Node.js can prove to be an excellent option. Nonetheless, it is crucial to have a clear vision for your company and well-established business requirements to ensure a successful implementation.
The benefits of using Node.js
Node.js offers numerous benefits for startups and businesses looking to improve their application's performance and productivity. Below we'll expose some of them:
Node.js Ecosystem
Node.js has a larger ecosystem compared to other backend technologies. When facing specific problems, you may not find a pre-built solution, but you can often find libraries that can help you solve the problem. This can save you time and make development faster. There is no solution that cannot be implemented with Node.js.
Freedom and Flexibility
Node.js gives you the freedom to build your project however you want. While Ruby on Rails is a framework that provides solutions, Node.js has a slightly more complex system for managing dependencies and frameworks. However, it's much easier to build something with Node.js in blocks, bringing complete freedom to create a custom solution.
Perfect for Serverless Architecture
Using Node.js in a serverless architecture offers an affordable and scalable way of building applications. This approach entails breaking down your code into functions, which are referred to as "lambda functions." Unlike monolithic codebases, where a single server manages everything, constructing your application with this architecture in mind requires more effort. Nevertheless, if you need a highly scalable application, the long-term benefits are worth the initial investment.
Node.js is a powerful technology that can be beneficial for startups that require a highly scalable and flexible backend. It allows for completely separated frontend and backend projects that are based on the same language, making development faster and easier for developers. However, it's important to have well-defined business requirements, a clear vision for your company or business, and capable developers to handle the complexity of a Node.js project.
If you're considering using Node.js for your startup, it's worth taking the time to understand its advantages and limitations. With careful planning and skilled developers, Node.js is an excellent choice for scaling your startup. Learn more about Node.js and stay up-to-date with the latest tech news in our blog!