Juan Pablo Balarini • 06 JAN 2023
2022: a year to keep on taking Eagerworks beyond

If companies want to succeed, clear objectives are the first step they should take. Objectives that are real and challenging to accomplish. We set them per quarter as many other businesses and we’re proud to say that by December 2022, we’ve met each goal we’d set.
It took us tons of working hours, tons of thinking, and rethinking strategies. But the most important part was there: we put our professionalism and passion into it. That’s the secret. We’d like to share with you all the main areas that made our general growth possible this year.
Eagerworks team: creating an appealing culture
At the beginning of 2022, Eagerworks was made up of 32 people, and we defined the objective of becoming 41 collaborators. Throughout this year, new talent joined our team and we met our goal, growing by more than 30%.
It’s people who make a business thrive. The talent that we incorporated let us expand our projects and also key departments such as Design and HR. Plus, we developed an exclusive Quality Assurance area to improve projects for our clients.
This industry has high turnover rates. That’s why another people-related goal was to embrace actions that make them want to choose our company every single day. We achieved that goal too, with only one person deciding to go through a different professional path away from Eagerworks.
It’s not only about attracting and retaining talent but also about creating a culture that strengthens the relationship between the company and the teams that are inside of it. We decided to boost our focus on investing in our team and sharing quality time through different activities.
It’s always important to take time and hear how the team feels if companies want to improve their culture continuously. We achieved this also by listening to what teams had to say in our biannual Climate Survey. As a result, we added different activities and perks to keep making Eagerworks an extraordinary place to work. For instance, we incorporated more team-building activities and also some extra benefits to keep improving our headquarters— more after-office activities, sports games, parties, talks, breakfasts at the office, birthday celebrations, and even a Nintendo Switch joined our playroom.
Clear and real career ladders are key to making everyone feel comfortable and motivated with a personal, professional goal in their mind. That’s why we continued to work on our Career Path, bringing growth opportunities to every team member. We want our teams to grow with us, and that’s why we also enhanced learning spaces: technical and non-technical talks and workshops took place at Eagerworks this year, led by both inside talent and guest speakers.
The results of all of these actions were seen in the last Climate Survey in October: 100% of our team members said that the work environment at Eagerworks is excellent or very good, which is highly significant to us.
Teamwork grew from the inside and the outside. We believe in the great impact that actions can have on the world. With that in mind, we partnered with DAR, a non-profit organization, with whom we improved our Corporate Responsibility actions and collaborated with different organizations.
Furthermore, we formed new partnerships this year: Hurr, Bach, and GreenlightGO are some of the startups we started working with.
A new website and visual identity
For businesses, it is important to show the image that represents them the most. This time we wanted to show our evolution and growth throughout the past years, and that’s why in 2022 we launched our new website. This new website came with a new visual identity and aims to spread to the world who we are: our values, our core mission, and our vision in the mid and long term.
With our new website live, we were able to achieve new and greater goals: we augmented the traffic and reach that Eagerworks has in different countries. Moreover, we gained inbound leads both from potential clients and team members. Taking this last target into account, it’s important to note that we strengthened our position as a recognized employer brand in Uruguay.
Supporting others' growth is a key part of our own: How we helped startups
2023 comes with great news: we’ll launch our own startup accelerator, Eagerventures, with the mission to continue to support local startups. But so far 2022 has been fruitful too as we worked with many thriving startups from the Uruguayan entrepreneurial ecosystem:
- PlanIT, the startup that we invested in and helped to grow, has made it to the final stage in Pasaporte Emprendedor, where they’ve competed to participate in a world-class incubator. And we are beginning to work with LunchIt, a new business line from PlanIT that’s led by some of our technical and team leaders. The main objective of this project is to give our Team Leaders the opportunity to work as founders of a software product, and understand first-hand what an entrepreneur experiences during the first steps of their startup.
- Treehousedeco, OrderEAT, and Abasta are another three local startups that we’re happy to have started working with.
- Vopero and Naxon, two startups that made their first steps at Eagerworks, were recognized as finalists in the Santander X Award.
Training programs: Learning is at our core
As we said before, learning is essential to growth. Our training process is growing too. Now more team members and leaders are supporting this process, focused on Ruby on Rails and Node.js, with the sharp eye of our CTO and Technical Leaders.
A solid Node.js team, our own Design Studio, and a thriving partnership
It’s been a while since we decided to go for Node.js, so we invested our time in learning and upgrading our team skills in this technology. That’s the reason we are beginning 2023 with solid experience and established know-how on how to handle Node.js projects. This year we reached our goal of having 2 projects in Node.js. With most of our ongoing work in the field, we are eager to challenge ourselves with even more.
In addition, we focused on other stuff that’s supporting growth too:
- Design studio. We have a brand new Design Studio that works at its best with projects connected to UX/UI design.
- Thoughtbot. We had the opportunity to work together in Multistate Partnership for Prevention, a challenging project focused on COVID-19 logistics in the U.S.
What do they say about Eagerworks? Events and recognitions
It was encouraging and exciting to have the chance to go back to in-person conferences. The pandemic affected all these events, but 2022 was the year to reunite again. We travelled to RailsConf in Portland, RubyConf in Houston, eMerge Americas in Miami, and we attended several Ruby Meetups in Montevideo—not only as attendants and organizers but also as speakers. These trips to the USA were the perfect opportunity to gather with some of our clients and partners as well.
It was motivating to see that all the products we created and the talent we’re built from, had their deserved recognition:
- Clutch stated we were one of the top 10 B2B companies in Uruguay.
- The Manifest recognized us as Most Reviewed Software Developers, Design Company, and App Development Company.
- DesignRush acknowledged us as a top Design Company in the USA.
End-of-Year Resolutions
Seeing how many things we’ve achieved so far in 2022 is joyful. Too many emotions and thoughts come to our minds when we look back to January 2022, with all of our expectations and objectives. This year was an important milestone in Eagerworks story: we’re at a completely different stage than a few years ago, and the goals accomplished throughout this year confirmed that.
For 2023, we have a lot of projects and goals in mind. We know we’re going to make it because we have the greatest talent onboard. Meet you all in 2023 to keep on building game-changing products and paving the way for innovative startups that want to create a positive impact in the world.